Publications (updated on 2024-March-26, with 150 peer reviewed journal papers)

Search on ADS

As first author
  1. Liu, H. B., Muto, T., Konishi, M., Chung, C.-Y., Hashimoto, J., Doi, K., Dong, R., Kudo, T., Hasegawa, Y., Terada, Y., Kataoka, A., Forming localized dust concentrations in a dust ring: DM Tau case study, A&A, in press (2024) ADS
  2. Liu, H. B., Tsai, A.-L., Chen, W. P., Liu, J. Z., Zhang, X., Ma, S., Elbakyan, V., Green, J. D., Hales, A. S., Liu, S.-Y., Takami, M., P'erez, S., Vorobyov, E. I., Yang, Y.-L., Millimeter-sized Dust Grains Appear Surviving the Water-sublimating Temperature in the Inner 10 au of the FU Ori Disk, ApJ, 923, 270 (2021) ADS
  3. Liu, H. B., Magnetically regulated disk-formation in the inner 100 au region of the Class 0 young stellar object OMC-3/MMS~6 resolved by JVLA and ALMA, ApJ, 914, 25 (2021) ADS
  4. Liu, H. B., M'erand, A., Green, J. D., P'erez, S., Hales, A. S., Yang, Y.-L., Dunham, M. M., Hasegawa, Y., Henning, T., Galv'an-Madrid, R., K'osp'al, 'A, Takami, M., Vorobyov, E. I., Zhu, Z., Diagnosing 0.1-10 au scale morphology of the FU Ori disk using ALMA and VLTI/GRAVITY, ApJ, 884, 97 (2019) ADS
  5. Liu, H. B., The anomalously low (sub)millimeter spectral indices of some protoplanetary disks may be explained by dust self-scattering, ApJL, 877, 22 (2019) ADS
  6. Liu, H. B., Chen, H.-R. V., Rom{'a}n-Z{'u}{~n}iga, C. G., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Ginsburg, A., Ho, P. T.-P., Minh, Y.-C., Zhang, Q., Investigating fragmentation of gas structures in OB cluster-forming molecular clump G33.92+0.11 with 1000 au resolution observations of ALMA, ApJ, 871, 185 (2019) ADS
  7. Liu, H. B., Hasegawa, Y., Ching, T.-C., Lai, S.-P., Detection of 40-48 GHz dust continuum linear polarization towards the Class 0 young stellar object IRAS\,16293-2422, A&A, 617, 3 (2018) ADS
  8. Liu, H. B., Dunham, M. M., Pascucci, I., Bourke, T., Hirano, N., Longmore, S., Andrews, S., Carrasco-Gonz'alez, C., Forbrich, J., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Girart, G. M., Green, J. D., Juar'ez, C., K'osp'al, A., Manara, C. F., Palau, A., Takami, M., Vorobyov, E. I., A 1.3 mm SMA survey of 29 variable young stellar objects, A&A, 612, 54 (2018) ADS
  9. Liu, H. B., Vorobyov, E. I., Dong, R., Dunham, M. M., Takami, M., Galv'an-Madrid. R., Hashimoto, J., K'osp'al, 'A., Henning, T., Tamura, M., Rodr'iguez, L. F., Hirano, N., Hasegawa, Y., Testi, L., Fukagawa, M., Pyo, T.-S., Carrasco-Gonzalez, C., Tazzari, M., A Concordant Scenario to Explain FU Ori Derived from the Millimeter Interferometric Observations, A&A, 602, 19 (2017) ADS
  10. Liu, H. B., On the Interpretation of the Observations of Edge-On Gravitational Unstable Accretion Flows, A&A, 597, 70 (2017) ADS
  11. Liu, H. B., Wright, M. C. H., Zhao, J.-H., Brinkerink, C. D., Mills, E. A. C., Mart'{i}n, S., Falcke, F., Ho, P. T.~P., Linearly Polarized Millimeter and Submillimeter Continuum Emission of Sgr A star Constrained by ALMA, A&A, 593, 107 (2016) ADS
  12. Liu, H. B., Wright, M. C. H., Zhao, J.-H., Mills, E. A. C., Requena-Torres, M. A., Matsushita, S., Mart'{i}n, S., Ott, J., Morris, M. R., Longmore, S. The 492 GHz Emission of Sgr A star Constrained by ALMA, A&A, 593, 44. (2016) ADS
  13. Liu, H. B., Lai, S.-P., Hasegawa, Y., Hirano, N., Rao, R., Li, I.-H., Fukagawa, M., Girart, J. M., Carrasco-Gonz'{a}lez, C., Rodr'{i}guez, L. F., “Detection of Linearly Polarized 6.9 mm Continuum Emission From the Class 0 Young Stellar Object NGC1333 IRAS4A”, ApJ, 821, 41 (2016) ADS
  14. Liu, H. B., Takami, M., Kudo, T., Hashimoto, J., Dong, R., Vorobyov, E. I., Pyo, T.-S., Fukagawa, M., Tamura, M., Henning, T., Dunham, M. M., Karr, J., Kusakabe, N., Tsuribe, T., Circumstellar Disks of the Most Vigorously Accreting Young Stars, Science Advances e1500875 (2016) ADS
  15. Liu, H. B., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Dunham, M., Hirano, N., Henning, T., Hasegawa, Y., Dong, R., Takami, M., Absence of Significant Cool Disks in Young Stellar Objects Exhibiting Repetitive Optical Outbursts, ApJL, 816, 29 (2016) ADS
  16. Liu, H. B., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Jim'{e}nez-Serra, I., Rom'an-Z'u~niga, C., Zhang, Q., Li, Z., Chen, H.-R., ALMA resolves the spiraling accretion flow in the luminous OB cluster forming region G33.92+0.11, ApJ, 804, 37 (2015) ADS
  17. Liu, H. B., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Forbrich, Jan, Rodr'{i}guez, L. F., Takami, M., Costigan, G., Manara, C. F., Yan, C.-H., Karr, J., Chou, M.-Y., Ho, P. T.~P., Zhang, Q., Time Monitoring of Radio Jets and Magnetospheres in the Nearby Young Stellar Cluster R Coronae Australis, ApJ, 780, 155 (2014) ADS
  18. Liu, H. B., Qiu, K., Zhang, Q., Girart, J. M., Ho, P. T.~P., Gas kinematics and the Dragged Magnetic Field in the High-mass Molecular Outflow Source G192.16-3.84: An SMA View, ApJ, 771, 71 (2013) ADS
  19. Liu, H. B., Ho, P. T.~P., Wright, M. C. H., Su, Y.-N., Hsieh, P.-Y., Sun, A.-L., Kim, S. S., Minh, Y. C., Interstellar Medium Processing in the Inner 20 pc in Galactic Center, ApJ, 770, 44 (2013) ADS
  20. Liu, H. B., Hsieh, P.-Y., Ho, P. T.~P., Su, Y.-N., Wright, M. C. H., Sun, A.-L., Minh, Y. C., Milky Way Supermassive Black Hole: Dynamical Feeding from the Circumnuclear Environment, ApJ, 756, 195 (2012) ADS
  21. Liu, H. B., Jim'{e}nez-Serra, I., Ho, P. T.~P., Chen, H.-R., Zhang, Q., Li, Z.-Y., Fragmentation and OB Star Formations in High-Mass Molecular Hub-Filament Systems, ApJ, 756, 10 (2012) ADS
  22. Liu, H. B., Quintana-Lacaci, G., Wang, K., Ho, P. T.~P., Li, Z.-Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z.-Y., The Origin of OB Clusters: From 10 pc to 0.1 pc, ApJ, 745, 61 (2012) ADS
  23. Liu, H. B., Zhang, Q., Ho, P. T.~P., An Overall Picture of the Gas Flow in a Massive Cluster–forming Region: The Case of G10.6-0.4, ApJ, 729, 100 (2011) ADS
  24. Liu, H. B., Ho, P. T.~P., The High-Velocity Molecular Outflows in Massive Cluster-forming Region G10.6-0.4, ApJ, 725, 2190 (2010) ADS
  25. Liu, H. B., Ho, P.~T.~P., Zhang, Q., Keto, E., Wu, J., and Li, H., The Decrease of Specific Angular Momentum and the Hot Toroid Formation: The Massive Clump G10.6-0.4, ApJ, 722, 262 (2010) ADS
  26. Liu, H. B., Hsieh, B.~C., Ho, P.~T.~P., Lin, L., and Yan, R., A New Galaxy Group Finding Algorithm: Probability Friends-of-Friends, ApJ, 681, 1046 (2008) ADS
Publications as supervisor/advisor or initiator
  1. Terada, Y., Liu, H. B., Mkrtichian, D., Sai, J., Konishi, M., Jiang, I.-G., Muto, T., Hashimoto, J., Tamura, M., Anisotropic Ionizing Illumination from an M-type Pre-main Sequence Star, ApJ, 953, 147 (2023) ADS
  2. Ko, C.-L., Liu, H. B., Lai, S.-P., Ching, T.-C., Rao, R., Girart, J.-M., Resolving linear polarization due to emission and extinction of aligned dust grains on NGC1333 IRAS4A with JVLA and ALMA, ApJ, 889, 172 (2020) ADS
  3. Ju'arez, C, Liu, H. B., Girart, J. M., Palau, A., Busquet, G., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Hirano, N., Lin, Y., Extreme fragmentation and converging flows at the center of the L1287 cloud, A&A, 621, 140 (2019) ADS
  4. Monsch, K., Pineda, J. E., Liu, H. B., Zucker, C., Chen, H. H.-H., Pattle, K., Offner, S. S. R., Di Francesco, J., Ginsburg, A., Ercolano, B., Arce, H. G., Friesen, R., Kirk, H., Caselli, P., Goodman, A. A., Dense gas kinematics and a narrow filament in the Orion A OMC1 region using NH3, ApJ, 861, 77 (2018) ADS
  5. Ju'arez, C., Girart, G. M., Zamora-Avil'es, M., Tang, Y.-W., Koch, P. M., {\bf Liu, H. B.}, Palau, A., Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Zhang, Q., Qiu, K., Magnetized Converging Flows Towards the Hot Core in the Intermediate/High Mass Star Forming Region NGC 6334 V, ApJ, 844, 44 (2017)ADS
  6. Li, J. I.-H., Liu, H. B., Hasegawa, Y., Hirano, N., Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectral Energy Distributions of Class 0 Young Stellar Objects, ApJ, 840, 72 (2017) ADS
  7. Lin, Y., Liu, H. B., Li, D., Busquet, G., Zhang, Z., Ginsburg, A., Pineda, J., Lei, Q., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Mcleod, A. F., Rosolowsky, A., Dale, J. E., Immer, R., Koch, E., Longmore, S., Walker, D., Testi, L., Cloud Structure of Three Galactic Infrared Dark Clouds from Combining Ground and Space Based Bolometric Observations, ApJ, 840, 22 (2017) ADS
  8. Lin, Y., Liu, H. B., Li, D., Zhang, Z., Ginsburg, A., Pineda, J., Lei, Q., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Mcleod, A. F., Rosolowsky, A., Dale, J. E., Immer, R., Koch, E., Longmore, S., Walker, D., Testi, L., Deriving Density and Temperature Profiles of Galactic OB Cluster Forming Regions Combining the Ground and Space Based Bolometric Observations, ApJ, 828, 32 (2016) ADS
  9. Yen, H.-W., Liu, H. B., Gu, P.-G., Hirano, N., Lee, C.-F., Puspitaningrum, E., Takakuwa, S., Gas Gaps in the Protoplanetary Disk around the Young Protostar HL Tau, ApJL, 820, 25 (2016) ADS
Other publications
  1. Sabatini, G., Podio, L., Codella, C., Watanabe, Y., De Simone, M., Bianchi, E., Ceccarelli, C., Chandler, C. J., Sakai, N., Aikawa, Y., Balucani, N., Bouvier, M., Caselli, P., Caux, E., Charnley, S., Cuello, N., Dulieu, F., Evans, L., Fedele, D., Feng, S., Fontani, F., Hama, T., Hanawa, T., Herbst, E., Hirota, T., Isella, A., J'imenez-Serra, I., Johnstone, D., Lefloch, B., Le Gal, R., Loinard, L., Liu, H. B., L'opez-Sepulcre, A., Maud, L. T., Maureira, M. J., Menard, F., Miotello, A., Moellenbrock, G., Nomura, H., Oba, Y., Ohashi, S., Okoda, Y., Oya, Y., Pineda, J., Rimola, A., Sakai, T., Segura-Cox, D., Shirley, Y., Svoboda, B., Testi, L., Vastel, C., Viti, S., Watanabe, N., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z. E., Yamamoto, S., “FAUST. XV. Dusty cavity and molecular shock driven by IRS7B in the Corona Australis Cluster.”, A\&A, in press (2024) ADS
  2. Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Lin, Y., Qiu, K., Koch. P. M., Liu, H. B., Li, Z.-Y., Li, S., Chen, H.-R. V., Ching, T.-C., Girart, J. M., Ho, P. T. P., Lai, S.-P., Pillai, T., Rao, R., Tang, T.-W., Wang, K., Dark dragon breaks magnetic chain: dynamical substructures of IRDC G28.34 form in quasi-equilibrium environments, ApJ, in press (2024) ADS
  3. Lin, Y., Wyrowski, F., Liu, H. B., Gong, Y., Sipila, O., Izquirdo, A., Csengeri, T., Ginsburg, A., Li, G. X., Spezzano, S., Pineda, J. E., Leurnini, S., Caselli, P., Menten, K. M., Massive clumps in W43-main: structure formation in extensively shocked molecular cloud, A&A in press (2024) ADS
  4. Hashimoto, J., Dong, R., Muto, T., Liu, H. B., Terada, Y., Shadowing in the protoplanetary disk of ZZ Tau IRS with HST, AJ, 167, 75 (2024) ADS
  5. D'iaz-M'arquez, E., Grau, R., Busquet, G., Girart, G. M., S'anchez-Monge, 'A, Palau, A., Povich, M. S., Anez-Lopez, N., Liu, H. B., Zhang, Q., Estalella, R., Radio survey of the stellar population in the infrared dark cloud G14.225-0.506, A&A, in press (2023) ADS
  6. Zamponi, J., Maureira, M. J., Liu, H. B., Zhao, B., Segura-Cox, D., Ko, C.-L., Caselli, P., Constraining the dust grain size and polarization mechanism in IRAS 16293-2422 B, A&A, 682, 56 (2023) ADS
  7. Wang, C., Wang, K., Xu, F.-W., Sanhueza, P., Liu, H. B., Zhang, Q., Lu, X., Fontani, F., Caselli, P., Busquet, G., Tan, J. C., Li, D., Jackson, J. M., Pillai, T., Ho, P. T.-P., Guzm'an, A. E., Yue, N., The ole of turbulence in high-mass star formation: subsonic and transonic turbulence dominates at early stages, A&A, 681, 51 (2023) ADS
  8. Su, K. Y. L., Kennedy, G. M., Rieke, G. H., Hughes, A. M., Lin, Y.-C., Kittling, Jamar, Jackson, A. P., Anche, R. M., Liu, H. B., RZ Piscium hosts a compact and highly perturbed drbris disk, ApJ, 959, 43 (2023)ADS
  9. Lin, Y., Spezzano, S., Pineda, J. E., Harju, J., Schmiedeke, A., Jiao, S., Liu, H. B., Caselli, P., Initial conditions of star formation at <2000 au: physical structure and NH$_{3}$ depletion of three early-stage cores, A&A, 680, 43 (2023) ADS
  10. Hashimoto, J., Liu, H. B., Dong, R., Liu, B., Muto, T., Terada, Y., Centimeter-sized grains in the compact dust ring around very low mass star CIDA~1, AJ, 166, 186 (2023) ADS
  11. Xu, W., Ohashi, S., Aso, Y., Liu, H. B., Probing the earliest stages of planet formation in a protostellar disk: Testing gravitational instability and constraining grain growth in TMC-1A, ApJ, 954, 190 (2023) ADS
  12. Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Qiu, K., Li, S., Li, Z.-Y., Ho. P. T.-P., Girart, J. M., Ching, T.-C., Chen, H.-R. V., Lai, S.-P., Rao, R., Tang, Y.-W., Enhanced small-scale supersonic non-thermal motions in NGC 6334 due to massive star formation activity: no universal turbulence cascade, ApJ, 949, 30 (2023) ADS
  13. Yang, Y., Liu, H. B., Muto, T., Hashimoto, J., Dong, R., Kanagawa, K., Momose, M., Akiyama, E., Hasegawa, Y., Tsukagoshi, T., Konishi, M., Tamura, M., Multiple Rings and Asymmetric Structures in the Disk of SR 21, ApJ, 948, 110 (2023) ADS
  14. Orihara, R., Momose, M., Muto, T., Hashimoto, J., Liu, H. B., Tsukagoshi, T., Kudo, T., Takahashi, S., Yang, Y., Hasegawa, Y., Dong, R., Konishi, M., Akiyama, E., ALMA Band 6 high-resolution observations of the transitional disk around SY Cha, ApJ, 75, 4240 (2023) ADS
  15. Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Koch, P. M., Liu, H. B., Li, Z.-Y., Li, S., Girart, J. M., Chen, H.-R. V., Ching, T.-C., Ho, P. T. P., Lai, S.-P., Qiu, K., Rao, R., Tang, Y.-W., Multi-scale physical properties of NGC 6334 as revealed by local relative orientations between magnetic fields, density gradients, velocity gradients, and gravity, ApJ, 945, 160 (2023) ADS
  16. Galv'an-Madrid, R., Zhang, Q., Izquierdo, A., Law, C. J., Peters, T., Keto, E., Liu, H. B., Ho, P. T.-P., Ginsburg, A., Carrasco-Gonz'alez, C., Clustered Formation of Massive Stars within an Ionized Rotating Disk, ApJL, in 942, 7 (2023) ADS
  17. Maureira, M. J., Gong, M., Pineda, J. E., Liu, H. B., Silsbee, K., Caselli, P., Zamponi, J., Segura-Cox, D. M., Schmiedeke, A., Dust hot spots at 10 au scales around the Class 0 binary IRAS 16293-2422 A: evidence of shock heating, ApJL, 941, 23 (2022) ADS
  18. Hashimoto, J., Liu, H. B., Dong, R., Liu, B., Muto, T., Grain Growth in the Asymmetric Dust Ring around Very Low Mass Star ZZ~Tau~IRS with JVLA, ApJ, 941, 66 (2022) ADS
  19. De Simone, M., Ceccarelli, C., Codella, C., Svoboda, B. E., Chandler, C., Bouvier, M., Yamamoto, S., Sakai, N., Yang, Y.-L., Caselli, P., Lefloch, B., Liu, H. B., Lopez-Sepulcre, A., Loinard, L., Pineda, J. E., Testi, L., Tracking the ice mantle history in the Solar-type Protostars of NGC 1333 IRAS 4, ApJL, 935, 14 (2022) ADS
  20. Francis, L., van der Marel, N., Johnstone, D., Akiyama, E., Bruderer, S., Dong, R., Hashimoto, J., Liu, H. B., Muto, T., Yang, Y., Gap Opening and Inner Disk Structure in the Strongly Accreting Transition Disk of DM Tau, AJ, 164, 105 (2022) ADS
  21. Guidi, G., Isella, A., Testi, L., Chandler, C. J., Liu, H. B., Schmid, H. M., Rosotti, G., Meng, C., Jennings, J., Williams, J. P., Carpenter, J. M., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Li, H., Liu, S.-F., Ortolani, S., Quanz, S., Ricci, L., Tazzari, M., Distribution of solids in the rings of the HD163296 disk: a multi-wavelength study, A\&A, 664, 137 (2022) ADS
  22. Feng, S., Liu, H. B., Caselli, P., Burkhardt, A., Du, F., Bachiller, R., Codella, C., Caccarelli, C., “A detailed temperature map of the archetypal protostellar shocks in L1157”, ApJL, 933, 35 ADS
  23. Ohashi, S., Nakatani, R., Liu, H. B., Kobayashi, H., Zhang, Y., Hanawa, T., Sakai, N., A gravitationally unstable disk forms dust clumps of sub-Jupiter mass and cold shadowed region around the Class 0/I protostars in L1527 IRS, ApJ, 934, 163 (2022) ADS
  24. Imai, M. et al. including Liu, H. B., FAUST IV. Chemical and Physical Characterization of the Isolated Protostellar Source CB68, ApJ, 934, 70 (2022) ADS
  25. Lykou, F., 'Abrah'am, P., Chen, L., Varga, J., K'osp'al, 'A, Matter, A., Siwak, M., Szab'o, Zs. M., Zhu, Z., Liu, H. B., Lopez, B., Allouche, F., Augereau, J.-C., Berio, P., Cruzal'ebes, P., Dominik, C., Henning, Th., Hofmann, K.-H., Hogerheijde, M., Jaffe, W. J., Kokoulina, E., Lagarde, S., Meilland, A., Millour, F., Pantin, E., Petrov, R., Robbe-Dubois, S., Schertl, D., Scheuck, M., van Boekel, R., Waters, L. B. F. M., Weigelt, G., Wolf, S., Revisiting FU Orionis in the Mid-Infrared with MATISSE/VLTI, A&A, 663, 86 (2022) ADS
  26. Arrigoni Battaia, F., Chen, C.-C., Liu, H. B., De Breuck, C., Galametz, M., Fumagalli, M., Yang, Y., Zanella, A., Man, A., Obreja, A., Prochaska, J. X., B~nados, E., Hennawi, J. F., Farina, E. P., Zwaan, M. A., Decarli, R., Lusso, E., A Multiwavelength Study of ELAN Environments (AMUSE$^{2}$) I: Gas infall, satellites spin alignment and mass budget in a massive z$\sim$3 quasar host halo, A&A, 930, 72 (2022) ADS
  27. Vorobyov, E. I., Skliarevskii, A. M., Molyarova, T., Akimkin, V., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., K'osp'al, 'A, Liu, H. B., Takami, M., Evolution of Dust in Protoplanetary Disks of Eruptive Stars, A&A, 658, 191 (2022) ADS
  28. Lin, Y., Wyrowski, F., Liu, H. B., Izquierdo, A., Csengeri, T., Leurini, S., Menten, K. M., The Evolution of Temperature and Density Structures of OB Cluster-Forming Molecular Clumps, A&A, 658, 128 (2022) ADS
  29. Li, S., Sanhueza, P., Lee, C. W., Zhang, Q., Beuther, H., Palau, A., Liu, H.-L., Smith, H., {\bf Liu, H. B.}, Jim'ez-Serra, I., Kim, K.-T., Feng, S., Liu, T., Wang, J., Li, D., Qiu, K., Lu, X., Girart, J.-M., Wang, K., Li, F., Li, J., Cao, C., Kim, S., Strom, S., ALMA Observations of NGC 6334S. II. Subsonic and Transonic Narrow Filaments in a High-mass Star-formation Cloud, ApJ, 926, 164 (2022) ADS
  30. Dong, R., Liu, H. B., Cuello, N., Pinte, C., 'Abrah'am, P., Vorobyov, E. I., Hashimoto, J., K'osp'al, 'A., Takami, M., Chen, L., Chiang, E., Dunham, M. M., Hasegawa, Y., Henning, T., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., Pyo, T.-S., Tamura, M., Z CMa: A flyby event caught in action, Nature Astronomy, s41550-021-01558-y (2022) ADS
  31. Zamponi, J., Maureira, M. J., Zhao, B., Liu, H. B., Ilee, J. D., Forgan, D., Caselli, P., The young protostellar disk in IRAS16293-2422 B is hot and shows signatures of gravitational instability, MNRAS, 508, 2583 (2021) ADS
  32. K'osp'al, 'A, Cruz-S'aenz de Miera, F., White, J. A., 'Abrah'am, P., Chen, L., Csengeri, T., Dong, R., Dunham, M. M., Feh'er, O., Green, J. D., Harhimoto, J., Henning, Th., Hogerheijde, M., Kudo, T., Liu, H. B., Takami, M., Vorobyov, E. I., Massive compact disks around FU Orionis-type young eruptive stars revealed by ALMA, ApJS, 256, 30 (2021) ADS
  33. Su'arez, G., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Aguilar, L., Ginsburg, A., Srinivasan, S., Liu, H. B., Rom{'a}n-Z{'u}{~n}iga, C. G., A Core Mass Function Indistinguishable from the Salpeter Stellar Initial Mass Function Using 1000 au Resolution ALMA Observations, ApJ, 921, 48 (2021) ADS
  34. Li, S., Lu, X., Zhang, Q., Lee, C.-W., Sanhueza, P., Beuther, H. Jim'enez-Serra, I., Qiu, K., Palau, A., Feng, S., Pillai, T., Kim, K.-T., Liu, H.-L., Girart, J.-M., Liu, T., Wang, J., Wang, K., Liu, H. B., Smith, H. A., Li, D., Lee, J.-E., Li, F., Li, J., Kim, S., Yue, N., Strom, S., A low-mass pre-stellar core polulation in a massive protocluster, ApJL, 912, 7 (2021) ADS
  35. D'iaz Trigo, M., Petry, D., Humphreys, E., Impellizzeri, V., Liu, H. B., A search for signatures of interactions of X-ray binary outflows with their environments with ALMA, A&A, 650, 37 (2021) ADS
  36. Vorobyov, E. I., Elbakyan, V. G., Liu, H. B., Takami, M., Distinguishing between different mechanisms of FU-Orionis-type luminosity outbursts, A&A, 647, 44 (2021) ADS
  37. Kanagawa, K. D., Hashimoto, J., Muto, T., Tsukagoshi, T., Takahashi, S., Hasegawa, Y., Konishi, M., Nomura, H., Liu, H. B., Dong, D., Kataoka, A., Momose, M., Ono, T., Sitko, M., Takami, M., Tomida, K., ALMA observation of the protoplanetary disk around WW Cha: faint double-peaked ring and asymmetric structure, ApJ, 909, 212 (2021) ADS
  38. Palau, A., Zhang, Q., Girart, J. M., Liu, J., Rao, R., Koch, P. M., Estalella, R., Chen, H.-R. V., Liu, H. B., Qiu, K., Li, Z.-Y., Zapata, L. A., Bontemps, S., Ching, T.-C., Shinnaga, H., In search for an observational correlation between the fragmentation level and the magnetic field strength in massive dense cores, ApJ, 912, 159 (2021) ADS
  39. Hashimoto, J., Muto, T., Dong, R., Liu, H. B., van der Marel, N., Francis, L., Hasegawa, Y., Tsukagoshi, T., ALMA Observations of the Asymmetric Dust Disk around DM Tau, ApJ, 911, 5 (2021) ADS
  40. Law, C. J., Zhang, Q., "Oberg, K., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Keto, E., Liu, H. B., Ho, P. T.~P., Sub-arcsecond imaging of the complex organic chemistry in massive star-forming region G10.6-0.4, ApJ, 909, 214 (2021) ADS
  41. Ohashi, S., Kobayashi, H., Nakatani, R., Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Murakawa, K., Zhang, Y., Liu, H. B., Sakai, N., Ring formation by coagulation of dust aggregates in early phase of disk evolution around a protostar, ApJ, 907, 80 (2021) ADS
  42. Vorobyov, E. I., Elbakyan, V. G., Takami, M., Liu, H. B., Effect of luminosity outbursts on protoplanetary disk dynamics, A&A, 643, 13 (2020) ADS
  43. Wang, J.-W., Koch, P. M., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Lai, S.-P., Liu, H. B., Lin, S.-J., Pattle, K., Formation of the hub-filament system G33.92+0.11: Local interplay between gravity, velocity, and magnetic field, 905, 158 (2020) ADS
  44. A~{n}ez-L'opez, N., Busquet, G., Koch, P. M., Girart, J. M., Liu, H. B., Santos, F., Chapman, N. L., Novak, G., Palau, A., Ho, P. T. P., Zhang, Q., The role of the magnetic field in the fragmentation process: the case of G14.225-0.506, A&A, 644, 52 (2020) ADS
  45. Feng, S., Li, D., Caselli, P., Du, F., Lin, Y., Sipil"a, O., Beuther, H., Sanhueza, P., Tatematsu, K., Liu, S. Y., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Hogge, Y., Jimenez-Serra, I., Liu, X., Liu, T., Wang, K., Zhang, Z. Y., Zahorecz, S., Li, G., Liu, H. B., Yuan, J., The chemical structure of young high-mass star-forming clumps: (II) parsec-scale CO depletion and deuterium fraction of HCO$^{+}$, ApJ, 901, 145 (2020) ADS
  46. Takami, M., Beck, T. L., Schneider, C., G"unter, H. M., White, M., Grankin, K., Karr, J. L., Ohyama, Y., Coffey, D., Liu, H. B., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Liu, C.-F., Fukagawa, M., Manset, N., Chen, W.-P., Pyo, T.S., Shang, H., Ray, T. P., Otsuka, M., Chou, M.-Y., Possible time correlation between jet ejection and mass accretion from RW Aur A*, ApJ, 901, 24 (2020) ADS
  47. Beck, S. C., Lacy, J., Turner, J., Liu, H. B., Greathouse, T., Consiglio, S. M., Ho, Paul T.-P., Ionized gas in the NGC 5253 supernebula: high spatial and spectral resolution observations with the JVLA and TEXES, MNRAS, 497, 1675 (2020) ADS
  48. Li. S., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Beuther, H., Palau, A., Girart, J. M., Smith, H., Hora, J. L., Lin, Y., Qiu, K., Strom, S., Wang, J., Li, F., Yue, N., ALMA observations of NGC 6334 S - I: Forming massive stars and cluster in subsonic and transonic filamentary clouds, ApJ, 896, 110 (2020) ADS
  49. Feng, S., Codella, C., Ceccarelli, C., Caselli, P., Lopez-Sepulcre, A., Neri, R., Fontani, F., Podio, L., Lefloch, B., Liu, H. B., Bachiller, R., Seeds of life in Space (SOLIS). IX. Chemical segregation of SO$_{2}$ and SO toward the low-mass protostellar shocked region of L1157, ApJ, 896, 37 (2020) ADS
  50. Min, Y. C., Liu, H. B., Chen, H.-R. V., Chemical Diagnostics of the massive star cluster-forming cloud G33.92+0.11. IV. Hierarchical structure, JKAS, 53, 77 (2020) ADS
  51. Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Qiu, K., Liu, H. B., Girart, J. M., Li, Z.-Y., Pillai, T., Wang, K., Magnetic fields in the early stages of massive star formation as revealed by ALMA, ApJ, 895, 142 (2020) ADS
  52. De Simone, M., Ceccarelli, C., Codella, C., Svoboda, B. E., Chandler, C., Bouvier, M., Satoshi, Y., Sakai, N., Caselli, P., Favre, C., Loinard, L., Lefloch, B., Liu, H. B., L'opez-Sepulcre, A., Pineda, J. E., Taquet, V., Testi, L., Hot corinos chemical diversity: myth or reality?, ApJL, 896, 3 (2020) ADS
  53. Ginsburg, A., Anderson, L. D., Dicker, S., Romero, C., Svoboda, B., Devlin, M., Galv'an-Madrid, R., InDebetouw, R., Liu, H. B., Mason, B., Miroczkowski, T., Aguirre, J., Armentrout, W. P., Bally, J., Brogan, C., Butterfield, N., Hunter, T. R., Reese, E. D., Rosolowsky, E., Sarazin, C., Shirley, Y., Stanchfield, S., Sievers, J., The MUSTANG-2 Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS90) pilot, ApJS, 248, 24 (2020) ADS
  54. Nakatani, R., Liu, H. B., Ohashi, S., Zhang, Y., Hanawa, T., Chandler, C., Oya, Y., Sakai, N., Substructure formation in a protostellar disk around an embedded protostar, ApJL, 895, 2 (2020) ADS
  55. Sadaghiani, M., S'anchez-Monge, 'A, Shilke, P., Liu, H. B., Clarke, D., Zhang, Q., Girart, J. M., Seifried, D., Aghababaei, A., Li, H., Ju'arez, C., Tang, K. S., Physical properties of the star-forming clusters in NGC\,6334, A&A, 635, 2 (2020) ADS
  56. Vorobyov, E. I., Skliarevskii, A. M., Elbakyan, V. G., Takami, Michihiro, Liu, H. B., Liu, S.-Y., Akiyama, E., The origin of tail-like structures around protoplanetary disks, A&A, 635, 196 (2020) ADS
  57. Kim, S., Takahashi, S., Nomura, H., Tsukagoshi, T., Lee, S., Muto, T., Dong, R., Hasegawa, Y., Hashimoto, J., Kanagawa, K., Kataoka, A., Konishi, M., Liu, H. B., Momose, M., Sitko, M., Tomida, K., The detection of dust gap-ring structure in the outer region of the CR Cha protoplanetary disk , ApJ, 888, 72 (2020) ADS
  58. P'erez, S., Hales, A., Liu, H. B., Zhu, Z., Casassus, S., Williams, J., Zurlo, A., Cuello, N., Cieza, L., Principe, D., Resolving the FU Ori system with ALMA: Co-planar twin disks?, ApJ, 889, 59 (2020) ADS
  59. Takami, M., Chen, T.-S., Hirano, Naomi, Liu, H. B., K'osp'al, 'A., Cruz-S'aenz de Miera, F., 'Abraham, P., Hsieh, T.-H., Trejo-Cruz, A., An ALMA study of the FU-Ori type object V900 Mon: implications for the progenitor, ApJ, 884, 146 (2019) ADS
  60. Coutens, A., Liu, H. B., Jim'enez-Serra, I., Bourke, T. L., Forbrich, J., Hoare, M., Loinard, L., Testi, L., Audard, M., Caselli, P., Chac'on-Tanarro, A., Codella, C., Di Francesco, J., Fontani, F., Hogerheijde, M., Johansen, A., Johnstone, D., Maddison, S., Pani'c, O., P'erez, L. M., Podio, L., Punanova, A., Rawlings, J. M. C., Semenov, D., Tazzari, M., Tobin, J. J., van der Wiel, M. H. D., van Langevelde, H. J., Vlemmings, W., Walsh, C., Wilner, D., VLA cm-wave survey of young stellar objects in the Oph A cluster: constraining extreme UV- and X-ray-driven disk photo-evaporation, A&A, 631, 58 (2019) ADS
  61. Cruz-S’aenz de Miera, F., K'osp'al, 'A, 'Abrah'am, P., Liu, H. B., Takami, M., Resolved ALMA continuum image of the circumbinary ring and circumstellar disks in the L1551 IRS 5 system, ApJL, 882, 4 (2019) ADS
  62. Yen, H.-W., Gu, P.-G., Hirano, N., Koch, P. M., Lee, C.-F., Liu, H. B., Takakuwa, S., HL\,Tau Disk in HCO$^{+}$ (3-2) and (1-0) with ALMA: Gas Density, Temperature, Gap, and One-arm Spiral, ApJ, 880, 69 (2019) ADS
  63. Minh, Y.-C., Liu, H. B., Chemical diagnostics of the massive star cluster – forming cloud 3.92+0.11. III. 13CN and DCN, JKAS, 52, 83 (2019) ADS
  64. Fogarty, K., Postman, M., Li, Y., Dannerbauer, H., Liu, H. B., Donahue, M., Ziegler, B., Koekemoer, A., Frye, B., The dust and molecular gas in the brightest cluster galaxy in MACS 1931.8-2635, ApJ, 879, 103 (2019) ADS
  65. Chen, H.-R. V., Zhang, Q., Wright, M. C. H., Busquet, G., Lin, Y., Liu, H. B., Nakamura, F., Sanhueza, P., Palau, A., Ohashi, S., Tatematsu, K., Liao, L.-W., Olguin, F. A., Filamentary accretion flows in the infrared dark cloud G14.225$-$0.506 revealed by ALMA, ApJ, 875, 24 (2019) ADS
  66. Yen, H.-W., Takakuwa, S., Gu, P.-G., Hirano, N., Lee, C.-F., Liu, H. B., Liu, S.-Y., Wu, C.-J., Signs of outflow feedback from a nearby young stellar object on the protostellar envelope around HL Tau, A&A in 623, 96 (2019) ADS
  67. Akiyama, E., Vorobyov, E. I., Liu, H. B., Dong, R., de Leon, J., Liu, S.-Y., Tamura, M., A tail structure associated with protoplanetary disk around SU Aurigae, AJ, 157, 165 (2019) ADS
  68. Cazzoletti, P., Manara, C. F., Liu, H. B., van Dishoeck, E. F., Facchini, S., Alcal'a, J. M., Ansdell, M., Test, L., Williams, J. P., Carrasco-Gonz’alez, C., Dong, R., Forbrich, J., Fukagawa, M., Galv'an-Madrid, M., Hirano, N., Hogerheijde, M., Hasegawa, Y., Muto, T., Pinilla, P., Takami, M., Tamura, M., Tazzari, M., Wisniewski, J. P., ALMA survey of Class II protoplanetary disks in Corona Australis: a young region with low disk masses, A&A, 626, 11 (2019) ADS
  69. Lu, X., Zhang, Q., Kauffmann, J., Pillai, T., Ginsburg, A., Elisabeth, A. C. M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Longmore, S., Battersby, C., Liu, H. B., Gu, Q., Star formation rates of massive molecular clouds in the Central Molecular Zone, ApJ, 872, 171 (2019) ADS
  70. Kudo, T., Hashimoto, J., Muto, T., Liu, H. B., Dong, R., Hasegawa, Y., Tsukagoshi, T., Konishi, M., A spatially resolved au-scale inner disk around DM Tau, ApJ, 868, 5 (2018) ADS
  71. Galv'an-Madrid, R., Liu, H. B., Izquierdo, A. F., Miotello, A., Zhao, B., Carrasco-Gonz'alez, C., Lizano, S., Rodr'iguez, L. F., On the effects of self-obscuration in the (sub)millimeter spectral indices and appearance of protostellar disks, ApJ, 868, 39 (2018) ADS
  72. Takami, M., Fu, G., Liu, H. B., Karr, J. L., Scicluna, P., Hashimoto, J., Kudo, T., Vorobyov, E. I., Dong, R., Dunham, M. M., Henning, T., K'osp'al, 'A, Tamura, M., Fukagawa, M., Pyo, T.-S., Tsuribe, T., Near-infrared high-resolution imaging polarimetry of FU Ori-type objects, ApJ, 864, 20 (2018) ADS
  73. Ching, T.-C., Lai, S.-P., Zhang, Q., Girart, J.-M., Qiu, K., Liu, H. B., Interactions between gas dynamics and magnetic field in the massive dense cores of the DR21 filament, ApJ, 865, 110 (2018) ADS
  74. Minh, Y.-C., Liu, H. B., Galv'an-Madrid, R., Sahu, D., He, Jinjua, Hasegawa, T., Chemical diagnostics of the massive star cluster-forming cloud G33.92+0.11 II. HDCS and DCN, ApJ, 864, 102 (2018) ADS
  75. Yi, H.-W., Lee, J.-E., Liu, T., Kim, K.-T., Choi, M., Eden, D., Evans, N. J. II, Di Francesco, J. D., Fuller, G., Hirano, N., Juvela, M., Kang, S.J., Kim, G., Koch. P., Lee, C. W., Li, D., Liu, H. B., Liu, H.-L., Liu, S.-Y., Rawlings, M. G., Ristorcelli, I., Sanhueza, P., Soam, A., Tatematsu, K., Thompson, M., Toth, L. V., Wang, K., White, G. J., Wu, Y., Yang, Y.-L., Planck cold clumps in the $\lambda$ Orionis complex. II. Environmental effects on core formation, ApJS, 236, 51 (2018) ADS
  76. Long, Z. C., Akiyama, E., Sitko, M., Fernandes, R. B., Assani, K., Grady, C. A., Cure, M., Dong, R., Fukagawa, M., Hasegawa, Y., Hashimoto, J., Henning, T., Inutsuka, S., Kraus, S., Kwon, J., Lisse, C. M., Liu, H. B., Mayama, S., Muto, T., Nakagawa, T., Takami, M., Tamura, M., Currie, T., Wisniewski, J. P., Yang, Y., Differences in the gas and dust distribution in the transitional disk of a sun-like young star, PDS 70, ApJ, 858, 112 (2018) ADS
  77. Dong, R., Liu, S.-Y., Eisner, J., Andrews, S., Fung, J., Zhu, Z., Chiang, E., Hashimoto, J., Casassus, S., Esposito, T., Hasegawa, Y., Liu, H. B., Muto, T., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., Wilner, D., Akiyama, E., Tamura, M., Wisniewski, J., The eccentric cavity, triple rings, two-armed spirals, and double clumps of MWC 758, ApJ accepted (2018) ADS
  78. Lu, X., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Sanhueza, P., Tatematsu, K., Feng, S., Smith, H. A., Myers, P. C., Sridharan , T. K., Gu, Q., Filamentary fragmentation and accretion in high-mass star-forming molecular clouds, ApJ, 855, 9 (2018) ADS
  79. Vorobyov, E. I., Akimkin, V., Stoyanovskaya, O., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., Liu, H. B., The early evolution of viscous and self-gravitating circumstellar disks with a dust component, A&A, 614, 98 (2018) ADS
  80. Yen, H.-W., Takakuwa, S., Chu, Y.-H., Hirano, N., Ho, P. T.-P., Kanagawa, K. D., Lee, C.-F., Liu, H. B., Liu, S.-Y., Matsumoto, T., Matsushita, S., Muto, T., Saigo, K., Tang, Y.-W., Trejo, A., Wu, C.-J., 1000 au Exterior Arcs Connecting the Protoplanetary Disk around HL Tau, A&A, 608, 134 (2017) ADS
  81. Lu, X., Zhang, Q., Kauffmann, J., Pillai, T., Longmore, S. N., Kruijssen, D. J. M., Battersby, C., Liu, H. B., Ginsburg, A., Mills, E. A. C., Zhang, Z.-Y., The Molecular Gas Environment in the 20 kms$^{-1}$ Cloud in the Central Molecular Zone, ApJ, 839, 1 (2017) ADS
  82. Ching, T.-C., Lai, S.-P., Zhang, Q., Girart, J.-M., Qiu, K., Liu, H. B., Magnetic Fields in the Massive Dense Cores of DR21 Filament: Weakly Magnetized Cores in a Strongly Magnetized Filament, ApJ, 838, 121 (2017) ADS
  83. Harada, N., Hasegawa, Y., Aikawa, Y., Hirashita, H., Liu, H. B., Hirano, N., Effects of Grain Growth on Molecular Abundances in Young Stellar Objects, ApJ, 837, 78 (2017) ADS
  84. Dong, R., van der Marel, N., Hashimoto, J., Akiyama, E., Liu, H. B., Muto, T., Chiang, E., Tsukagoshi, T., Bruderer, S., Brown, J., Koyamatsu, S., Kudo, T., Ohashi, N., Rich, E., Takami, M., Wisniewski, J., Yang, Y., Zhu, Z., Tamura, M., The Size and Depletion of the Gap in the Transitional Disk J160421.7-213028, ApJ, 836, 201 (2017) ADS
  85. Yen, H.-W., Koch, P. M., Liu, H. B., Puspitaningrum, E., Hirano, N., Lee, C.-F., Takakuwa, S., Stacking Spectra in Protoplanetary Disks: Detecting Intensity Profiles from Hidden Molecular Lines in HD163296, ApJ, 832, 204 (2016) ADS
  86. Akiyama, E., Hashimoto, J., Liu, H. B., and 58 coauthors, Evidence of Grain Growth in the LKH$\alpha$ 330 Disk, AJ, 152, 222 (2016) ADS
  87. Ginsburg, A., Goddi, C., Goss, M., Dale, J., Bally, J., Battersby, C., Sankrit, R., Smith, R., Darling, J., Kruijssen, E., Liu, H. B., Youngblood, A., The (proto) O-star population of W51, A&A, 595, 27 (2016) ADS
  88. Feng, S., Beuther, H., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, K., Liu, H. B., Qiu, K., Outflow Detection in a 70$\mu$m Dark High-Mass Core, ApJ, 828, 100 (2016) ADS
  89. Minh, Y. C., Liu, H. B., Chemical Diagnostics of the Massive Star Clusters-Forming Cloud G33.92+0.11 I. $^{13}$CS, CH$_{3}$OH, CH$_{3}$CN, OCS, H$_{2}$S, SO$_{2}$, and SiO, ApJ, 824, 99 (2016) ADS
  90. Dong, R., Vorobyov, E., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., Chiang, E., Liu, H. B., Signatures of Gravitational Instability in Resolved Images of Protostellar Disks, ApJ, 823, 141. (2016) ADS
  91. Takami, M., Wei, Y.-J., Beck, T. L., Chou, M.-Y., Manset, N., Karr, J. L., Chen, W.-P., Kurosawa, R., Grankin, C., Fukagawa, M., White, M., G"{un}ther, H. M., Schneider, P. C., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Liu, H. B., Pyo, T.-S., Donati, J.-F., Stable and Unstable Regimes of Mass Accretion onto RW Aur A, ApJ, 820, 139 (2016) ADS
  92. Hirashita, H., Koch, P. M., Matsushita, S., Takakuwa, S., Nakamura, M., Asada, K., Liu, H. B., Urata, Y., Wang, M.-J., Wang, W.-H., Takahashi, S., Tang, Y.-W., Chang, H.-H., Huang, K., Morata, O., Otsuka, M., Lin, K.-Y., Tsai, A.-L., Lin, Y.-T., Srinivasan, S., Martin-Cocher, M., Pu, H.-Y., Kemper, F., Patel, N., Grimes, P., Huang, Y.-D., Han, Chih-Chiang, Huang, Y.-R., Nishioka, H., Lin, L. C.-C., Paine, S., Zhang, Q., Keto, E., Blundell, R., Burgos, R., Chen, M.-T., Inoue, M., Ho., P. T.~P., First Generation Science Cases for Ground-based Terahertz Telescopes, PASJ, 68, 1 (2016) ADS
  93. Liu, T., Zhang, Q., Kim, K.-T., Wu, Y., Lee, C.-W., Lee, J.-E., Tatematsu, K., Choi, M., Juvela, M., Thompson, M., Goldsmith, P. F., Liu, S.-Y., Hirano, N., Henkel, C., Sanhueza, P., Tang, Y.-W., Lai, S.-P., Yuan, J., Kang, M., Wang, K., Nguyen Luong, Q., Liu, H. B., Kim, M.-R., Yi, H.-W., Planck Cold Clumps in $\lambda$ Orion Copmlex: I. Discovery of an Extremely Young Class 0 Protostellar Object and a Very Low Luminosity Objects in a Bright Rimmed Clump PCC G192.32-11.88, ApJS, 222, 7 (2016) ADS
  94. Busquet, G., Estalella, R., Palau, A., Liu, H. B., Zhang, Q., Girart, J. M., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Pillai, T., Ho, P. T.~P., Anglada, Guillem, What is Controlling the Fragmentation in the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.225-0.506? Different Level of Fragmentation in Twin Hubs, ApJ 819, 139 (2016) ADS
  95. Walker, D. L., Longmore, S. N., Bastian, N., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Rathborne, J. M., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Liu, H. B., Comparing Young Massive Clusters and their Progenitor Cloud in Different Galactic Environments, MNRAS, 457, 4536 (2016) ADS
  96. Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Rodr'{i}guez, L. F., Liu, H. B., Costigan, G., Palau, A., Zapata, L. A., Loinard, L., Pre- and Post-burst Radio Observations of the Class 0 Protostar HOPS 383 in Orion, ApJ, 806, 32 (2015) ADS
  97. Jiang, Xue-Jian, Liu, H. B., Zhang, Q., Wang, J., Gu, Q., Zhang, Z.-Y., Li, J., C$_{2}$H in high mass star-forming regions, ApJ, 808, 114 (2015) ADS
  98. Minh, Y. C., Liu, H. B., Su, Y.-N., Hsieh, P.-Y., Liu, S.-Y., Kim, S. S., Wright, M. C. H., Ho. P. T.~P., SiO Emission in the Galactic Center, ApJ, 808, 86 (2015) ADS
  99. ALMA partnership et al., including Liu, H. B., First Results from High Angular Resolution ALMA Observations Toward the HL Tau Region, ApJ, 808, 3 (2015) ADS
  100. de Leon, J., Takami, M., Karr, J. L., Hashimoto, J., Kudo, T., Sitko, M., Mayama, S., Kusakabe, N., Akiyama, E., Liu, H. B. et al., Near-IR High-Resolution Imaging Polarimetry of the SU Aur Disk: Clues for Tidal Tails?, ApJ, 806, 10 (2015) ADS
  101. Li, H.-B., Yuen, K. H., Otto, F., Leung, P. K., Sridharan, T. K., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Tang, Y.-W., Qiu, K., Self-similar Fragmentation Regulated by Magnetic Fields in a Region Forming Massive Stars, Nature, 520, 518 (2015) ADS
  102. Koch, P. M., Tang, Y.-W., Ho, P. T.~P., Zhang, Q., Girart, G. M., Chen, H.-R., Frau, P., Li, H.-B., Li, Z.-Y., Liu, H. B., Padovani, M., Qiu, K., Yen, H.-W., Chen, H.-H., Ching, T.-C., Lai, S.-P., Rao, R., The Importance of the Magnetic Field from an SMA-CSO-Combined Sample of Star-Forming Regions, ApJ, 797, 99 (2014) ADS
  103. Immer, K., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., K"{o}nig, C., Liu, H. B., Menten, K. M., Diversity of chemistry and excitation conditions in the high-mass star forming complex W33, A&A, 572, 63 (2014) ADS
  104. Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Liu, H. B., Manara, C. F., Forbrich, J., Pascucci, I., Carrasco-Gonz'{a}lez, C., Goddi, C., Hasegawa, Y., Takami, M., Testi, L., Constraints on photoevaporation models from (lack of) radio emission in the Corona Australis protoplanetary disks, A&A Letter, 570, 9 (2014) ADS
  105. Qiu, Keping, Zhang, Q., Menten, K. M., Liu, H. B., Tang, Y.-W., Girart, J. M., Submillimeter Array Observations of Magnetic Fields in G240.31+0.07: an Hourglass in a Massive Cluster-forming Core, ApJ, 794, 18 (2014) ADS
  106. Zhang, Q., Qiu, K., Girart, G. M., Liu, H. B., Tang, Y.-W., Koch, P. M., Li, Z.-Y., Keto, E., Ho, P. T.~P., Rao, R., Lai, S.-P., Ching, T.-C., Frau, P., Chen, H.-H., Li, H.-B., Padovani, M., Bontemps, S., Csengeri, T., Juar'{e}z, C., Magnetic Fields and Massive Star Formation, ApJ, 792, 116 (2014) ADS
  107. Lu, X., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Wang, J., Gu, Q., VLA Observations of Ammonia in High-mass Star Formation Regions, ApJ, 790, 84 (2014) ADS
  108. Jian, Hung-Yu, Lin, L., Chiueh, T., Lin, K.-Y., Liu, H. B., Merson, A., Baugh, C., Huang, J., Chen, C.-W., Foucaud, S., Murphy, D. N. A., Cole, S., Burgett, W., Kaiser, N., Probability Friends-of-Friends (PFOF) Group Finder: Performance Study and Observational Data Applications on Photometric Surveys, ApJ, 788, 109 (2014) ADS
  109. Kuo, C.-Y., Asada, K., Rao, R., Nakamura, M., Algaba, J. C., Liu, H. B., Inoue, M., Koch, P. M., Ho, P. T.~P., Matsushita, S., Pu, H.-Y., Akiyama, K., Nishioka, H., Pradel, N., Measuring Mass Accretion Rate onto the Supermassive Black Hole in M87 Using Faraday Rotation Measure with the Submillimeter Array, ApJ, 783, 33 (2014) ADS
  110. Busquet, G., Zhang, Q., Palau, A., Liu, H. B., S'{a}nchez-Monge, '{A.}, Estalella, R., Ho, P. T.~P., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Pillai, T., Wyrowski, F., Girart, J. M., Santos, F. P., Franco, G. A. P., Unveiling a Network of Parallel Filaments in the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.225-0.506, ApJ, 764, 26, (2013) ADS
  111. Qiu, K., Zhang, Q., Menten, K. M., Liu, H. B., Tang, Y.-W., From Poloidal to Toroidal?: Detection of Well-ordered Magnetic Field in High-mass Proto-cluster G35.2?0.74 N, ApJ, 779, 182 (2013) ADS
  112. Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Liu, H. B., Zhang, Z.-Y., Pineda, J. E., Peng, T. C., Zhang, Q., Keto, E., Ho, P. T.~P., Rodr'{i}guez, L. F., Zapata, L., Peters, T., de Pree, C. G., MUSCLE W49: A Multi-Scale Continuum and Line Exploration of the Most Luminous Star Formation Region in the Milky Way. I. Data and The Mass Structure of the Giant Molecular Cloud, A&A, 779, 121 (2013) ADS
  113. Minh, Y. C., Liu, H. B., Ho, P. T.~P., Hsieh, P.-Y., Su, Y.-N., Kim, S. S., Wright, M. C. H., Green Bank Telescope Observations of the NH3 (3, 3) and (6, 6) Transitions toward Sagittarius A Molecular Clouds, ApJ, 773, 31 (2013) ADS
  114. Chou, M.-Y., Takami, M., Manset, N., Beck, T., Pyo, T.-S., Chen, W.-P., Panwar, N., Karr, J. L., Shang, H., Liu, H. B., Time Variability of Emission Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars (I): October-December in 2010, ApJ, 788, 109 (2013) ADS
  115. Klaassen, P. D., Wilson, C. D., Keto, E., Zhang, Q., Galv'{a}n-Madrid, R., Liu, H.~B., High resolution CO observation of massive star forming regions, ApJ, 530, 53 (2011) ADS